Thursday, August 12, 2010

My Reward(s)

How can you look at these adorable faces and
not realize that every terrible moment
of the pregnancy was SO worth it?

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Freak Show

I understand that twins are an amazingly unique thing. I feel super blessed! However, it's insane to me how crazy people go over twins. I have so many people chomping at the bit to come see these babies. Literally, going nuts to see them. I have random people drop by all the time to sneak a peek.

It's strange because most of the people are people who would never have visited me if I'd just had one baby. It is a small bit annoying how crazy people are to see these twins.

I hope I don't break everyone's hearts, but I have a small newsflash for you . . . they just look like normal babies. It's the truth. They look like any baby, but there's just two of them. People act as if the babies are going to put on a top hat and dance the jig. Sorry, they just don't do that! They are just normal, genuine babies. There just happens to be two of them.

Please don't misunderstand, I don't mind having visitors (for the most part). I'm especially receptive to the idea when people actual call before they come by (let's face it, I stay in my jammies most days). :0) It just amazes me how nuts people go over seeing these babies. It's adorable in a way, and I feel flattered.

I'd love for any family and friends to come see the kiddos . . . just don't expect them to do anything phenomenal. They are just babies.

Monday, August 9, 2010

For the record . . .

It is SOOOOOOOOOOO nice not being pregnant anymore!!!


Sunday, August 1, 2010

Twin Bond

Having twins is so much fun. Sure, it's a lot of work, but it's so awesome to see these two sweet babies and know that they are mine. I'm so blessed!

It's interesting to see the bond that already exists between these two. Twins definitely have a bond that is unlike anything I've ever seen . . . I love it!

If I bring one of the babies downstairs and leave the other one upstairs, within a minute the one left upstairs will start fussing. It's like they know that they aren't by their twin anymore!

And when we're downstairs the babies sleep in different bassinettes. The other day the babies were both a little fussy and I couldn't figure out why. After exhausting every other option, I finally decided to lay them by each other in the same bassinette. They snuggled right up together and didn't make single peep again. They just missed each other! Amazing!