Monday, December 27, 2010

Let Me Count the Ways . . .

Number of Diapers I changed in a 25 minute time period:  5
Consecutive hours of sleep I usually get at night (with babies at 5 months old):  4-5
Number of bottles I make in a day:  12-15
How much formula we go through:  One can a day  :0(
Number of strangers who want to see/touch/talk about our twins when we go to the store:  4-5
Weeks spent pregnant:  34
Days spent in the NICU:  11
How much weight I gained during pregnancy:  about 50 pounds (eek!)
Number of times I've been asked "How do you do it?!":  1,192 times (just a rough guesstimate)  :0)
Number of burp cloths we go through in a day:  5 on a good day, 8-10 on a bad day
How many times I do baby laundry during the week:  4-5
How heavy they feel while carrying them in their car seats:  250 pounds
How long it takes me to get everyone ready before we actually walk out the door:  20-30 minutes
Number of smiles I see during the day:  20-50

How much we love these babies:  how do you make an infinity symbol on the computer?!  :0)


Trent Megan and Kids said...

I am amazed and overjoyed with how wonderful you handle these bundles of joy! Watching you and Daniel juggle your family made me smile. Thanks for sharing your experiences! Love you!

MOM said...

Number of blessings a day? Infinity and beyond as long as you choose to look at the bright side! I loved having the babies and you and Hayley there last week. Thanks for the joy!