Sunday, June 27, 2010

Baby Update

The babies are still looking great. The last time they were measured was three weeks ago, and both babies measured 4 pounds at that time. So we are hoping they are about 5 pounds by now. The babies will get measured again in about a week.

Baby Boy is still head down and his head is really low. I guess that explains the frequent trips to the bathroom. Baby Girl switched from being head down to being in the transverse (sideways) position. Strange!

I still don't understand how both babies fit in there, but I guess they do somehow. I'm glad both babies have looked healthy during this pregnancy. Now we just need to get two more weeks of growth in and we'll be set!


.Mandi Kae. said...

Is it starting to hit you yet? 2 weeks goes by REALLY fast Jenny!

mom said...

And sometimes it goes as fast as 3 days!!! haha