Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Down for the Count

I am not purposely neglecting this blog. This is a result of one of the joys of being pregnant with twins - being stuck laying down all the time. And since my husband and I are apparently stuck in the stone age, we don't own a laptop. It's been too hard for me to get up to my computer and sit down long enough to blog. I really do have lots to say though. And if I can get a laptop to use, you won't be able to shut me up.

All is still well, just too uncomfortable to get online. The only time I get up and leave the house is for doctor's appointments.

I'm glad it's finally June, but I hope this month flies by fast. I'm going nuts!


Mandi said...

Ya know, I have a laptop... Jordan has a laptop... I bet I could lend you mine until you get back on your feet. What do you say? Oh and p.s. the word verification your blog had me type in to post my comments says, "sucks"

Janell R. Cropper said...

Mandi is a genius ;)