Saturday, July 31, 2010

4 Week Stats

I do have an awfully lot to blog about and I will catch up one of these days. The computer I'm using won't let me copy and paste, so the twins' birth story is coming as soon as I get on a different computer.

Today I wanted to blog about the twins' four-week-old check-up. Everything went well and here are their stats!

2 weeks old:
Wyatt: 5 lbs 4 oz
Ava 4 lbs 11 oz

4 weeks old:
Wyatt 6 lbs 8 oz
Ava 5 lbs 10 oz

We are proud that the babies are doing well and gaining weight. They are still tiny, but they seem big to me (compared to how little they were in the NICU). Yay for good appointments!

1 comment:

MOM said...

They will be so different the next time I am able to get there and see them in person! They are growing so fast it seems!