Thursday, February 18, 2010

The Love Gain

I know it's very important to gain weight when you're pregnant with twins. I understand that and I'm trying really hard not to freak out everytime I get on a scale or look in the mirror. I know that every pound I gain is a step closer to having healthy babies. And I want my babies to definitely weigh over 5 pounds when they're born. So I'll do my best to gain weight for these kiddos.

However, it's still hard to take. It blows my mind to look like I'm already 6-7 months pregnant and I'm only 17 weeks. I'm always big when I'm pregnant, but this is crazy! I don't mind getting bigger (okay, maybe I do mind a little), but when I look at my bulging belly and think of all the many weeks still left in this pregnancy, I tend to go a little nuts. Just how big is this thing gonna get?!?!

I have to apologize to my current stretch marks because I'm sure even they are going to get stretch marks. How far can skin stretch anyway? I guess I'll find out soon enough!

1 comment:

Em and AJ said...

I love this idea, and I am so excited to follow you on your twins journey. Good luck! Can't wait to read about it.