Monday, March 22, 2010

Music to My Ears

Another day, another appointment. I always love good appointments though!

I think it's funny that every time I've had an appointment lately, there's been a student from the college there, too. I don't mind the extra bodies - the more the merrier, right? Plus, once you've had kids, nothing is sacred or embarrassing anymore. Although the medical/nursing students are always a little nervous, they are excited to be in the room with a twin mom and see how different it is. I'm all about education so I don't mind one bit. In fact, it makes me feel kind of special!

The babies heartbeats looked great again today. There isn't a sweeter sound in the world than hearing your child's heartbeat!

It's exciting to know that my twins are dichorionic diamniotic twins. In simpler terms, that means they each have their own sac and their own placenta. They are completely separate. The great thing about dichorionic diamniotic twins, is that they are the safest kind of twins to have. Yay! We like safe!

Below is an example of the different types of twins:

Another thing I learned today is that our baby boy is vertex (head-down) and our baby girl is transverse (laying sideways). I think I'd like to have them both vertex. Then maybe my belly won't be so wide!

Four weeks ago, the doctor said my uterus measured to be about 18 weeks along. I was excited because then it meant I wasn't too big. However, today my uterus measured in at a whopping 32 weeks! Holy Shmoly! That makes me a little nervous because what will my uterus do when I measure 40 weeks along? Will it try to start labor early? Scary stuff. The doctor said I'm measuring fine for a twin pregnancy, but it's still a little scary to me.

All in all, it was a great appointment. I'm trying to stay positive and hope that everything will continue to go well. The power of positive thinking, the power of positive thinking, the power of positive thinking . . .


Mandi said...

Yay! So glad to know everything is going good & you're having the safest kind. yayayayay!

Janell R. Cropper said...

Hope they're not having too many wrestling matches inside of you!! Glad to hear everything is going great!

Mom said...

Keep up the good news!!