Friday, March 19, 2010

Specialist Visit #1

Yesterday was our first visit with our specialist. The appointment was good. He didn't really tell me anything different than my normal doctor tells me, but it was still nice to see the kiddos again on the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech said she'd print us LOTS of pictures, but she only printed four. Apparently in St. George, four is a lot. ;0)

I was glad to see that we are still having a boy and a girl. The only thing that changed is now the boy is labeled Baby A and the girl is labeled Baby B. All that really means is that they think Baby A will come out first. Daniel was happy because he thinks it's pretty important that the boy be born first. Men are so silly!

It was a pretty in-depth ultrasound and everything looked wonderful on both babies. Yay! Now our biggest concern is preterm labor. I'm not having any symptoms of that, but I am very aware that it could happen at any moment. Scary stuff.

The doctor gave us different statistics as to what our babies chances would be if born at certain points. If the babies are born at 24 weeks, they have a 58% chance of survival and only an 8% chance of being physically and mentally normal. If the babies are born at 28 weeks, they have an 80% chance of survival and an 80% chance of being physically and mentally normal. If the babies are born at 32 weeks, then they have a 99% chance of survival and a 99% chance of being normal. No matter what, we are shooting for at least 32 weeks!

My main goal is to make it to 35-36 weeks. Let's pray!

I will post the pictures from the ultrasound soon. As for now, I'm just gonna keep on cooking these babies!

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