Monday, March 1, 2010

The Results Are In . . .

The doctor thinks we are having a girl and a boy. Yay! I don't think I could be more excited!
Hayley and I made these cute little boxes and picked out the stuff to put inside. We gave the boxes to my parents to open in front of my family. They were all so excited! All the Rowleys were excited for us, too, but we couldn't wait two weekends to tell them so we just told them all over the phone. :0)
This wasn't my official 20-week ultrasound. Apparently that has to be done with a specialist in St. George. So we should have some good pictures to post of that ultrasound in a couple weeks.


Mandi said...

Yayyyy I'm so excited!

Kristen said...

I'm so excited for you Jenny! It was really great seeing you on Saturday. I hope your pregnancy goes as well as possible and that in a few months you'll have two sweet healthy babies. I can't wait to meet them! Good luck with everything and let me know if you need to chat. I'm usually around during the day :). Love you!