Monday, April 26, 2010

Gettin' the Itch

When I was pregnant with my first, I always promised myself that I'd NEVER be hugely pregnant again in the summertime ever again. However, I'm not one of those lucky people that can plan when I get pregnant. I just have to take what I can get.

So here I am breaking a HUGE promise to myself: I'm hugely pregnant and due in July AND having twins. Lovely.

And when I get hot my stretching skin itches like crazy! We've barely hit the 70s here and I'm already itching like a mad woman. When I get hot I want to rip off my clothes and just itch like crazy. It is not fun being outside or in public when I get the itches. I have to ignore it and my belly is just screaming to be scratched!

Although I had to break the original promise to myself, I now vow a new promise: I will stay inside my air-conditioned house as much as possible for the entire summer!!!


Trent Megan and Kids said...

You need to get some oatmeal stuff to add to your bath. It helps a ton, also get some vitamin e gel caps and break them onto your skin, kindof gross but oooh it feels good. hope this helps

Janell R. Cropper said...

Do you have any of that cocoa butter stuff that is supposed to help prevent stretch marks? It doesn't really help with strecth marks, but it helps with itching. I actually have a few bottles. I'll bring you one next weekend. :)

mom said...

I agree with Megan and Janelle, you have to get some ointment/gel to soothe on and relieve your itches. I had a really good lotion that your dad(allan) would rub on my belly, it was very comforting!! Hope you find something that helps! Maybe Hayley would love to help by rubbing it on!!