Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Priceless Advice

Here's the advice I got from one of my pregnancy books regarding two separate pregnancy symptoms I've been having: night hunger and frequent bathroom trips at night

1) "If you find yourself waking up in the middle of the night due to hunger, try eating a small snack and having a small drink before bedtime."

2) "If frequent trips to the bathroom are waking you up at night, avoid drinking or eating anything before bedtime."

Thank you. Now my problems are completely over! That was some priceless advice. So pretty much I can't win. I'm glad the doctors who wrote the book spent so much time in college so they'd be educated enough to give such sound advice. ;0)

My advice? Choose which symptom of the two you'd rather have. As for me, I'll be visiting the bathroom several times each night. So much more convenient than waking up to eat!


Team Korte said...

I just laughed out loud. Because it is so ridiculous! :( Lovely advice!

Janell R. Cropper said...

wow...unbelievable :)

Anonymous said...

Maybe you should write a book, you could come up with some better advice!