Thursday, April 22, 2010

Throw Me A Bone

Yesterday was exhausting. It was picture day at the dance studio I work at. The picture part wasn't too stressful, surprisingly. The part that was difficult was all the comments I got from parents about my belly. Here are a few of them:

"Wow, look how big you are!"

"So you must only have a couple weeks left."

"Whoa, how do you carry that thing around?"

"You. Are. HUGE!"

"How does your back not break?!"

Etc. Etc. Etc. times a million!

Thank you everyone. Thank you for the over 50 comments I got about my huge belly. I feel like a beautiful princess now. Thank you. There are so many thoughtful people in the world. ;0)


Maria Christensen said...

I'm sure you look beautiful! Keep up the good work!

Danielle said...

Im so sorry poeople are so stupid they make all kinds of stupid comments. Im sure you look fabulous:)

Shannon said...

Why are people so dumb? Seriously, that bugs the crap out of me! Just tell them you'd like to see how they look pregnant with twins!

Mom said...

I know it is annoying and not nice, but just sit back and think how happy you are that you actually have that belly and the two little babies inside! Wear it proudly and when someone says something unflattering and rude you have to be prepared with a good comeback statement to make them realize how rude they are!! Or just sit back and be glad that you have a belly filled with love!!