The ultrasound tech took all the measurements and looked at all the anatomy. When the doctor came in the room he said, "There is one part of the anatomy that we aren't seeing." Apparently there was a part of the heart on Baby B (the girl) that the ultrasound tech couldn't find. However, when the doctor looked he realized that Baby B was clear over on my side. After he had me roll on my side, he was able to get a good look at the heart and see that everything was perfect. It was a stressful few minutes for me though!!!
Here are some ultrasound pics from my appointment:
The heads of my sweet babies

Hard to see (it's at the top, sideways), but a front shot of Baby Boy's face (you can basically just see the skeleton)

A profile shot of Baby Girl. She always seems to be more photogenic.

Again, a little hard to see, but this is a picture of the bottom of the girl's feet.
ohh, so sweet to see those pictures!
Can't wait to hold those cute things :) Big Hugs to you Jenny!! (oh and Daniel too)
I love that you can see baby girls nose lips and all that. CUTE!
So glad to know everything is okay! After having extra ultrasounds when I was pregnant with Lillie, and having to make trips to Primary Children's outpatient for her heart now, I can definitely understand that relief that comes to know everything is okay! I can't wait to meet them!!
Doctors sure love to scare people! They need to keep it on the down low-to themselves until they are certain. Geez! Glad the scare was unfounded!
that second to the last pic of the girl is so good-I can actually see her!!!! Yay! Can't Wait!
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