Tuesday, June 22, 2010


For once, the birth of the babies finally seems close. My doctor says he won't let me go more than three more weeks. Yay! Hopefully he'll keep his word.

Three weeks still seemed far away until the cute receptionist lady at Labor & Deliver said, "So when are we going to finally see you here with those babies outside of you?" I told her that it would be three weeks at the most. She got all excited and said, "Wow! That's really close! I can't wait!"

It was great to finally have someone acknowledge that delivery is close. Usually the nurses say, "You've still got a LOOOOOOONG time," and I just hate that. On the other hand, her excitement kind of knocked me upside the head. For the first time I thought to myself, "Holy cow, that is really close! Am I really ready for this?!"

Ready or not, they should be here in three weeks. YAY!


MOM said...

I think I am gonna cry! You guys best enjoy these last few peaceful weeks!! Once they're here, you're in for alot of work and little sleep!! Can't wait, it is hitting me hard lately too! Still tearing up!!

Shannon said...

Yay! That is really close! For me, time always goes by slow when I'm pregnant, but it seems like the week before I had her, time went by soooo slowly. I just tried to keep busy getting ready, but since you're on bedrest, that's a little hard to do. I hope it goes by fast for you! I'm seriously sooo excited to see pictures!