Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Hello, Belly

For those of you who don't know, I teach dance at a local dance studio. Today while I was teaching my cute little three-year-old class, I noticed that two little girls could NOT stop staring at my belly. It was hilarious. They weren't just looking at it with curiosity, they were looking at it with their eyes bulging out of their heads! They were hypnotized and couldn't look at anything except my belly. The look on their faces made me laugh. I'm sure they were expecting an enormous basketball or a huge beach ball (or quite possibly a killer whale) to pop out from under my shirt. It was classic!

I also teach a Mommy & Me class. Two of the moms in the class have actually had twins so it's fun to visit with them. Today while I was attempting to sit on the ground for one of our stretches, one of the other twin moms just busted out laughing. She was staring at me and just laughing. She said, "I'm sorry. I couldn't help it! I was just remembering what that was like!"

I'm sure it's very entertaining to watch me get up and down off the floor. It really is quite an event. And me trying to stretch is getting ridiculous. It's a good thing that I'm dropping two of my classes in the next two weeks. I'm sad to hand them over to another teacher, but it's just getting too hard (and I'm getting much too big) to teach anymore. Thankfully, I'll still be able to do my older classes for another month. The girls already know their dances so I can just sit on a chair and boss them around. I think I can manage that ;0)

1 comment:

Janell R. Cropper said...

You're amazing!! Keep up the good work. We look forward to meeting those two little munchkins in a few months!!